Saturday, November 30, 2019

s Sexuality

Women’s Sexuality The lecturer, Shannen Farell, from the Sonoma County Health Department, made a lot of good comments about women’s sexuality. Her main focus wasn’t really about women in general, I think. It was more focused one the younger teenagers and adults, middle school-aged girls, mostly. One major topic was about the way these girls were dressing in school these days compared to in the past. These 12-13 year old girls make themselves look like they’re 18 with the revealing and provocative clothes they wear. I notice now when I pick up my brother and sister from their middle school, the girls look really smutty. I thought back to when I was in middle school. Everyone was pretty much covered up. Of course, I’m judging them and who knew, it shocked me to know these girls were giving oral sex, at that age? These kids are learning these way too fast. I barely even heard about kissing in my school, and this wasn’t too long ago. Shannen also talked about how the media sexualizes women. Lately, and in the last couple of years, I think MTV especially, has sexualized us all. Everyone wants to be hot and sexy. MTV portrays a lot of sex and drugs in their videos. Kids should not be able to have access to these things. Even reality shows are showing people having sex(mainly college kids) What is that saying to kids about college? Children are also watching very adult sitcoms with a lot of sexually suggestive comments. I think everything on television these days have some kind of sex in them. The adults need to wake up and start taking away these things from kids or at least limit or screen the content. They need to know what their kids are up to and that every little thing they see or hear is going to shape them.... 's Sexuality Free Essays on Women\'s Sexuality Women’s Sexuality The lecturer, Shannen Farell, from the Sonoma County Health Department, made a lot of good comments about women’s sexuality. Her main focus wasn’t really about women in general, I think. It was more focused one the younger teenagers and adults, middle school-aged girls, mostly. One major topic was about the way these girls were dressing in school these days compared to in the past. These 12-13 year old girls make themselves look like they’re 18 with the revealing and provocative clothes they wear. I notice now when I pick up my brother and sister from their middle school, the girls look really smutty. I thought back to when I was in middle school. Everyone was pretty much covered up. Of course, I’m judging them and who knew, it shocked me to know these girls were giving oral sex, at that age? These kids are learning these way too fast. I barely even heard about kissing in my school, and this wasn’t too long ago. Shannen also talked about how the media sexualizes women. Lately, and in the last couple of years, I think MTV especially, has sexualized us all. Everyone wants to be hot and sexy. MTV portrays a lot of sex and drugs in their videos. Kids should not be able to have access to these things. Even reality shows are showing people having sex(mainly college kids) What is that saying to kids about college? Children are also watching very adult sitcoms with a lot of sexually suggestive comments. I think everything on television these days have some kind of sex in them. The adults need to wake up and start taking away these things from kids or at least limit or screen the content. They need to know what their kids are up to and that every little thing they see or hear is going to shape them....

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Education Placement Is Key for Children with Asperger’s Essay Example

Education Placement Is Key for Children with Asperger’s Essay Example Education Placement Is Key for Children with Asperger’s Essay Education Placement Is Key for Children with Asperger’s Essay Walkowiak, J. , Wilkinson, A. , Minne, E.. (2010). Direct and Indirect Measures of Social Perception, Behavior, and Emotional Functioning in Children with Aspergers Disorder, Nonverbal Learning Disability, or ADHD. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 38(4), 509-19. Retrieved October 28, 2010, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 2000997421). Brewin, B. , Renwick, R. , Schormans, A.. (2008). Parental Perspectives of the Quality of Life in School Environments for Children With Asperger Syndrome. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 23(4), 242-252. Retrieved October 29, 2010, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. Document ID: 1606797121). Kishida, Y. , Kemp, C.. (2009). The Engagement and Interaction of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in Segregated and Inclusive Early Childhood Center-Based Settings. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education: Systematic Instruction in Early Childhood Special Education, 29(2), 105-118. Retrieved October 28, 2010, from ProQuest Psychology Journals. (Document ID: 1863 808051). I really did not find anything wrong with the essay I think that it was well written and the author got right to the point good essay.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Birth, Life and Death of a Delphi Form

The Birth, Life and Death of a Delphi Form In Delphi, every project has at least one window the programs main window. All windows of a Delphi application are based on TForm object. Form Form objects are the basic building blocks of a Delphi application, the actual windows with which a user interacts when they run the application. Forms have their own properties, events, and methods with which you can control their appearance and behavior. A form is actually a Delphi component, but unlike other components, a form doesnt appear on the component palette. We normally create a form object by starting a new application (File | New Application). This newly created form will be, by default, the applications main form - the first form created at runtime. Note: To add an additional form to Delphi project, select File|New Form. Birth OnCreateThe OnCreate event is fired when a TForm is first created, that is, only once. The statement responsible for creating the form is in the projects source (if the form is set to be automatically created by the project). When a form is being created and its Visible property is True, the following events occur in the order listed: OnCreate, OnShow, OnActivate, OnPaint. You should use the OnCreate event handler to do, for example, initialization chores like allocating string lists. Any objects created in the OnCreate event should be freed by the OnDestroy event. OnCreate - OnShow - OnActivate - OnPaint - OnResize - OnPaint ... OnShowThis event indicates that the form is being displayed. OnShow is called just before a form becomes visible. Besides main forms, this event happens when we set forms Visible property to True, or call the Show or ShowModal method. OnActivateThis event is called when the program activates the form - that is, when the form receives the input focus. Use this event to change which control actually gets focus if it is not the one desired. OnPaint, OnResizeEvents like OnPaint and OnResize are always called after the form is initially created, but are also called repeatedly. OnPaint occurs before any controls on the form are painted (use it for special painting on the form). Life The birth of a form is not so interesting as its life and death can be. When your form is created and all the controls are waiting for events to handle, the program is running until someone tries to close the form! Death An event-driven application stops running when all its forms are closed and no code is executing. If a hidden form still exists when the last visible form is closed, your application will appear to have ended (because no forms are visible), but will in fact continue to run until all the hidden forms are closed. Just think of a situation where the main form gets hidden early and all other forms are closed. ... OnCloseQuery - OnClose - OnDeactivate - OnHide - OnDestroy OnCloseQueryWhen we try to close the form using the Close method or by other means (AltF4), the OnCloseQuery event is called. Thus, event handler for this event is the place to intercept a forms closing and prevent it. We use the OnCloseQuery to ask the users if they are sure that they realy want the form to close. procedure TForm1.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean) ;begin    if MessageDlg(Really close this window?, mtConfirmation, [mbOk, mbCancel], 0) mrCancel then CanClose : False;end; An OnCloseQuery event handler contains a CanClose variable that determines whether a form is allowed to close. The OnCloseQuery event handler may set the value of CloseQuery to False (via the CanClose parameter), aborting the Close method. OnCloseIf OnCloseQuery indicates that the form should be closed, the OnClose event is called. The OnClose event gives us one last chance to prevent the form from closing. The OnClose event handler has an Action parameter, with the following four possible values: caNone. The form is not allowed to close. Just as if we have set the CanClose to False in the OnCloseQuery.caHide. Instead of closing the form you hide it.caFree. The form is closed, so its allocated memory is freed by Delphi.caMinimize. The form is minimized, rather than closed. This is the default action for MDI child forms. When a user shuts down Windows, the OnCloseQuery event is activated, not the OnClose. If you want to prevent Windows from shutting down, put your code in the OnCloseQuery event handler, of course CanCloseFalse will not do this. OnDestroyAfter the OnClose method has been processed and the form is to be closed, the OnDestroy event is called. Use this event for operations opposite to those in the OnCreate event. OnDestroy is used to deallocate objects related to the form and free the corresponding memory. When the main form for a project closes, the application terminates.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership as Learned from Those Throughout History Essay

Leadership as Learned from Those Throughout History - Essay Example As the paper stresses there is the need to have a sense of courage toward understanding and to relate to the different components that are within the military. To do this, according to Kant, there has to be a sense of maturity to reach the enlightenment, as well as a sense of purpose behind what is occurring. The idea of leadership, in this sense, is to become enlightened enough to be defined as a guardian of others. â€Å"Such guardians, once they have themselves thrown off the yoke of immaturity, will disseminate the spirit of rational respect for personal value and for the duty of all men to think for themselves†. According to the study findings once one is able to develop a sense of personal enlightenment, then other characteristics can be developed which will help with leadership. To understand my certain place within the Navy as well as how to bring out a different sense of community that is used for the betterment of others is also the need to have an understanding of vision toward what has to happen within the community. Having strength, understanding what needs to be done, and focusing on the mission of what is occurring is essential to the true role of leadership. For instance, in Gary Wills presentation of George Washington and the making of the nation, the focus of leadership is on the personal attributes of Washington. To be a true leader, the personal development of these qualities becomes essential to the positive development within a community.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

PAPER 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

PAPER 2 - Essay Example These texts highlight deficiencies within the society with gender inequalities as the issue and to create awareness to the readers. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an American writer who explored the feminist utopia using her fictional novella â€Å"Herland†. Gilman created an imaginary society occupied by just women, with no need for men. They use parthenogenesis to produce their daughters and portray a superior morality. This society that was women-centered advocated for industriousness as well as motherhood and avoided approaches to life that perpetrated individualistic competitions. She figured out that this society would be appropriate for women to relate with each other in a more cooperative manner since there would be no necessity to dominate one another. In this novella Gilman tends to nurture and merge the finest feminine virtues with the finest masculine virtues together as a unity to make up human virtue. According to Gilman, fo r a society to be virtuous, it should use her fictional utopian society of Herland as an exemplary model. She believed that women have no reason to be slaves to their fellow humans by dedicating their lives to please them when they can survive on their own without the men and even lead better lives. Through the eyes of Gilman, our narrator, we get the view point of the men. She uses three men to show us their perspective about women. Gilman reverses the typical women stereotypes completely and that everything that was previously considered in terms of masculine or feminine standards was done away with. Here women wore cloths that were lesser provocative and that advocated for convenience and comfort. They cut their hair short and had more muscular bodies. They were neither flirtatious nor shy. They practically needed no men to live. They schooled, built, did farming and moreover mothered hence depended on no one but themselves. The women of Herland did not recognize gender biases, a raging phenomenon in the world. They lived in harmony and togetherness (Allen 102). Gilman as well uses Jeff to stand for a feminist voice and uses Terry to stand for the male’s voice. Jeff felt like women were creatures that deserved to be protected as well as served whereas Terry regarded them as creatures to be conquered and by all means be won. She provides a complementary view on the women as well as their roles at her time. She displays her admiration on the fact that women are independent of men. Gilman proceeds to promote the equality of women to men but she doesn’t stop there, she also portrays them as being superior compared to men. This is so unlikely in the world where Jeff and the other men came from. Here they are presented as the weaker ones and the women are much strong and virtuous. The narrator conveys the women to be smarter and kinder unlike the men. Smart in that although they are isolated from the rest they still survive. They also teach men like any other student. They bred-out and did away with segments of nature that stained their society in any way for instance dogs and some butterfly species. In addition they also bred-out defiant or less

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Behavior of Gases Essay Example for Free

Behavior of Gases Essay Introduction: In this experiment, the problem trying to be solved is what gas laws are being used when the pressure, temperature, and volume are being measured. The three gas laws are Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law, and Gay-Lussac’s Law. The Boyle’s Law is when volume and pressure are being compared. Pressure and volume are inversely proportional, because when pressure goes up, volume goes down. The Charle’s Law is when volume and temperature are compared. Volume and temperature are also inversely proportional as well. Lastly, Gay-Lussac’s Law is when pressure and temperature are compared. Pressure and temperature are directly proportional; therefore when pressure goes up, temperature also goes up. The formulas are as follows: Boyle’s Law: P2 P1 = P2 V2 Charle’s Law: V1/T1 = V2/T2 Gay-Lussac’s Law: P1/T1 = P2/T2 Hypothesis: If volume, temperature, and pressure are measured, they will follow the laws and fit under Boyle’s, Charle’s, or Gay-Lussac’s law. Expected Results: It should be expected that when volume and pressure are measured, pressure will go up and volume will go down. When volume and temperature are compared, volume will go up and temperature will go down. Lastly, when pressure andtemperature are measured, pressure will go up as temperature goes up. Experimental Procedure: Part I Connect a 20mL syringe to a LabQuest Select: File New Then, Mode: Change to Events with Entry Next, Enter Name as Volume Enter Units as mL Select OK Start at 10mL on the syringe and wait for the reading to Select Keep Keep at least 6 data points (any of your choice) Only pull the syringe out (making the mL readings higher each time) Stop the Data Collection and view the graph and points Record Part II Place an Erlenmeyer flask in a beaker big enough to fit the flask Connect a temperature apparatus to the Lab Quest and place probe in beaker Then connect the pressure tube to the Lab Quest in channel 2 and connect the other end of the tube with the rubber stopper to the Erlenmeyer flask Select: File New Then Mode: Change to Selected Events Exit In sensors menu, change units to Kelvin Tap graph X-axis: chose temperature Place faucet, room temperature water in the beaker Select Keep Place ice in the beaker Select Keep Place room temperature water in the beaker again and place on a hot plate Wait for the water to boil Place temperature probe and Erlenmeyer flask back in beaker Select Keep Record result from graph and chart Results: VOLUME (mL) PRESSURE 10 103. 27 12 87. 6 14 76. 14 16 67. 5 18 60. 96 20 55. 15 This data and chart is comparing volume and pressure. The graph represents the Boyle’s Law because as the pressure is going up the volume is going down. TYPE OF WATER TEMPERATURE (K) PRESSURE Normal 102. 8 295 Ice 98. 29 275. 4 Boiling 122. 31 357. 4 This data and chart is comparing temperature and pressure. The graph represents Gay-Lussac’s Law because as temperature goes up, pressure goes up as well. Discussion: This experiment went extremely smooth. The data was easy to collect as long as you kept the Lab Quest and tools stable to ensure for accurate readings for temperature, pressure, and volume. The graphs and data easily coincided correctly with the theories of the gas laws, as was shown accessibly once the graphs were made. Although the data coincided with the theories correctly, the temperature readings for freezing and boiling may have not been completely accurate because the temperatures of the water was not measured accurately for correct boiling and freezing temperatures, but recorded solely for the theories and to prove them. Overall, the experiment held up well and the hypothesis and theories were proven to be correct.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Stags and Hens - personal performance review :: Drama

Stags and Hens - personal performance review Drama coursework!!! The practical piece that I performed on 16th December ‘04 was a play written by Willy Russel called ‘Stags and Hens’. It was written in 1978 and is set on a hen/stag night in Liverpool for what was at that time, the present - reading the play, however, and comparing it with the portrayal of present day Liverpool I noticed no obvious changes. Another play that I have studied is ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ by Dennis Potter. This play was written in and is set in the heart of Devon in WW2 year 1943 with a cast of 5 boys and 2 girl characters; all of which are children around the age of 7. Composed for a cast of 5 female and 5 male characters, ‘Stags and Hens’ highlights a variety of ways in which men and women differ from each other. The two scenes consist of several location switches, initially between the male and female WC rooms at a nightclub - followed by further ventures into the nightclub itself. When reading a male section, I noticed how there was little hesitation from the majority of characters when it came to leaving their vomiting friend in the WC, whereas the ladies refuse to leave their friend behind while she does her make-up. This points out how men and women can react differently to a situation; here, whilst the women are showing sensitivity and care for each other’s feelings, the men appear thoughtless and self-indulgent. Links similar to this one are made throughout the play, and although not always noticed at first, usually become clear with hindsight. Initially, the male and female characters are kept separate from each other, but as the night progresses they mix up more; this gives the impression of awareness and organisation at the beginning, gradually smudging into a drunken confused muddle towards the end. It is a common feature of modern society for men and women to form separate alliances, and is often encouraged by gender division in everyday things. Things that aren’t even considered like going to the toilet; it is seldom that anyone will see a unisex toilet in public. Also, it is seen as normal for men to play football and drink beer, and women to wear make-up and drink ‘girly’ drinks. This is accentuated in ‘Stags and Hens’ on several occasions. Both genders make referrals to each other putting these stereotypes into place: girls – ‘Y’ can bet they’ll be pourin it down them like it’s goin’ out ‘a fashion.’ (Talking about the men) guys – ‘A woman has responsibility to her feller.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Physiological Impacts of World War Two Essay

When a soldier enlists into the military forces they know they are going in to fight for their country and freedom for everyone. They spend months training and preparing for the war and what to come. They learn to fight, shoot, and kill enemies, but what they do not learn is how to cope with the after math of the war. Soldiers in war every year come home with many post traumatic effects from what they had witnessed. During world war two this was known as shell shock; however what can be concluded is that world war two impacted the soldiers emotionally and physiologically from the time they entered to post war. World War Two was one of the biggest struggles nations everywhere have ever seen. â€Å"It killed more people, costs more money, damaged more property, and affected more people†¦than any other war in history† (The History on the Net Group). People everywhere were in panic when the War started. With all the damage done during the war it can be imagined how the soldiers were traumatized by losing their fellow soldiers. â€Å"The number of people killed, wounded, or missing between September 1939 and September 1945 can never be calculated, but it is estimated that more than 55 million people perished† (The History on the Net Group). Soldiers were devastated by the tragedies that occurred at the time of war. However, before the war started there were a lot of causes that went into why everything ended up in war. World War Two began in September 1939 when Britain and France declared war on Germany following Germany’s invasion of Poland. The war was triggered by Germany’s invasion of Poland but the causes of the war are far beyond this fact. After World War One had occurred Woodrow Wilson, the president of the United States of America wanted to make a treaty on his four point plan to bring peace to Europe. Other countries involved in this treaty did not have the same idea as President Wilson. George Clemenceau wanted revenged. He wanted to make sure Germany would never be able to start a war again. When Germany received this treaty they were very surprised with the terms. The terms included, war guilt clause, which meant Germany accepted all the blame for  World War One. Reparations, Germany had to pay millions in damage from the war. Disarmament, Germany could not have tanks or air force and land was taken away from them and given to other countries. The Germans were not happy with this treaty and thought of it as very harsh. However the Germans took responsibility and continued on in hope to get revenge later. In 1919, to help keep the world safe for democracy the League of Nations was set up. League of Nations would intend that if there were disagreements between countries they would negotiate rather than fight. The failure of the League of Nation can be summarized by points such as, not all countries joining in such as Germany as a punishment and Russia because of the spread of communism. The League of Nations had no power or any army. Countries were hesitant to get involved with an aggressive country and taking direct action against them. These things led to the fall of the League of Nations. People were angry because they did not want to cut off resources with other countries, even if they were aggressive because during the late 1920’s depression hit most of them. â€Å"The depression destroyed the market for imported silk from Japan, which had provided the country with two fifths of its export income’’ (The History on the Net Group). Economic problems played a fundamental part in the cause of World War 2. Germany, one of the poor countries became crippled in power and vulnerable. When Adolf Hitler came into power he immediately began placing blame on other countries and making Germany at the top of resources again. All these aspects lead to the start of World War two in Europe. As the war in Europe continued President Franklin D. Roosevelt told America he did not want to get involved. He thought it was better to stay neutral in this matter and let them handle their own battle. The United States decided to eventually join the war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, however the issues had started years before Pearl Harbor was attacked. It starts with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, China. The Japanese invade Manchuria on September 18th, 1931. China was in the middle of a depression, so the Japanese had the upper hand. When Russia found this out they were enraged meaning America was as well, being alliances with Russia. Also, â€Å"the Japanese invading China violated the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 which renounced war as national policy† (Ketchum). The United states told Japan  if they don’t get out of China, they would stop trading oil with them. Japan stayed in China so the U.S stopped trading oil. Japan disliked this and held a grudge on America for years. Besides this, The US was already trading with other countries through the Lend-Lease Act, a document allowing the US to lend countries like Britain war materials in exchange for money. Germany was also angry that America was helping their enemies. As a result the Nazi’s decide to sink the U.S supply ships to help keep them from sending resources to other countries. However, President Roosevelt did not want to enter war until the attack of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii occurred. This pushed the United States into the war officially on December 8, 1941. Right after we entered the war Hitler declared war on the United States. Followed by a United States declaration of war against Germany, and then the United States was fully involved in the war. America did not want to go to war but when America was targeted they decided to counter attack, however they did not plan on going to war with Germany but once they did it lead to one of the biggest and bloodiest wars of all time in history. My grandfather, Edward Weil was lucky and un lucky enough to be able to experience World War 2. As a veteran of war he tells me all his stories about what the war was like. â€Å"The war was a very hard time.† He tells me, â€Å"it was rough but it also brought the nation closer together and America’s pride shined.† When I asked my grandfather why he joined the war he has told me about the attack of pearl harbor and how everyone had to stand for the pledge of allegiance out of respect and when he put his hand to his heart a navy officer came up to him and told him, â€Å"You would look very good in a uniform.† It really made my grandfather look at what he wanted to do and how he wanted to protect his nation. At the same time joining the war also impacted him in a negative way. During the war my grandfather was nervous but knew this was what he wanted to do. He saw the Japanese bomb his mother ship and his sailors being killed and put on the edge of the deck to take back and bury. These experiences get scarred into soldiers minds forever. They cannot escape what they saw and those horrific actions done to one another. My grandfather was only 17 years old when he entered war. He wanted freedom and security for the American people. However, as a young teenage boy still the war affected his emotions and to this day it is still  a very sentimental and emotional topic to him. During my interview with my grandfather as I talked about what he wished he could change about the war, he started to tear up and told me about all the people lost to the war and his friends. His ship pulled next to another ship while it was burning and the people were asking for help and they tried to save as many people as they could. My grandfather even lost his left hearing due to the war. He is very proud to show his metals from the war and how he helped our nation. My grandfather is very proud to be a world war to veteran.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Promote children’s welfare and well being Essay

1.1) Explain the welfare requirements & guidance of the EYFS. The statutory welfare requirements were set up to help guide childcare staff in what is expected of them as part of their role. There are five welfare requirements which Ofsted will check are being met. Safeguarding and Promoting Children’s Welfare This section covers a lot of the day-to-day activities which that you will be involved in, for example, food and drink, medicines and behaviour management. There must be written consent for any medicines which need to be administered to children. All staff within the setting must be trained in paediatric first aid and fresh water should be available to the children at all times. Staff can smoke outside as long as there are no children present. Fire doors must be able to be opened easily from the inside. It is important that there is one toilet and hand basin for every ten children over the age of 2 so that these areas can be easily accessed. All children within the setting must have a key person to allow the child to settle in easily and make it easier to carry out assessments. Children are only allowed to go home with another adult if their parents have given permission. In my setting the parent should tell a member of staff when they drop their child off if they are getting picked up by somebody else. We use a password system meaning that each child has a unique password on their records that the parent and the person picking the child up should know. This tells us that the child is going with the right person. Suitable People Anybody working with children in any way needs a separate CRB check for each childcare setting that you work in. You should never use physical intervention when disciplining children, this could be seen as a serious offence and may lead to disciplinary or even dismissal. All unqualified staff who are working with children should be encouraged to gain a level two qualification to gain a better knowledge and understanding in their role. The ratios for staff-children vary depending on the age of the children. The  younger the children are, the more staff will be needed. Suitable Premises, Environment and Equipment This aims to ensure that children are looked after in suitable and safe premises. The layout of the room is also important as it should allow children to play and communicate appropriately. There are many legal requirements that apply to this section, for example, checking that toys and furniture are safe and that the outdoor area is clean and secure. Organisation This section of the EYFS relates to the promotion of children’s learning and development. This will include planning activities for the children. It is important that you choose activities carefully which have a positive effect on the children’s development and they will enjoy at the same time. It is important that you show the children a routine whilst giving them support and allowing them to have independence at the same time. Documentation This applies to records for children, students doing placement at the setting, and staff working at the setting. These should be kept in a secure, locked cupboard in a private area. These records may need to be changed if there is a change of address or contact number. 1.2) Explain the lines of reporting & responsibility within your setting Within my setting if there is an issue concerning a child then depending on the issue you may report it to the child’s key person first of all. If it is a serious issue then you may choose to go straight to your line manager or child protection officer. In my setting my line manager is my child protection officer so I would go straight to her. If it is a small issue then I could tell my room supervisor. If there was an issue concerning a member of staff then I would straight to my line manager to avoid breaching confidentiality. 2.4) Explain giving examples, why minimum requirements for Space and Staff  ratio’s are necessary for children’s safety. Minimum space requirements and staff ratios are necessary for the children’s safety because it is important that there are a sufficient amount of adults to supervise the children and meet their needs. Generally the younger the children are, the higher the requirement for space and staff ratio. Most settings will easily meet these requirements. There should be at least one member of staff present when there are three children in care. There should be at least two members of staff present when there are 4-7 children in care. There should be at least three members of staff present when there are 8 or more children in care. It is important that children have enough room to move freely without having accidents. The room should be laid out in a way that makes more space for the children. If there are accidents then the furniture or equipment should be moved to prevent it from happening again. 3.1) Explain how you promote children’s health & well being in your setting Within my setting we promote children’s health and well-being in many ways. Healthy Eating If children have not had breakfast before the come into the setting then we offer them toast or cereal and a drink of milk to make sure they have the energy they need for the day. The children are provided with a healthy snack in the morning and afternoon. This usually includes toast, various fruit and milk. The children are provided with a healthy meal for lunch, for example roast chicken dinner. Fresh air and Physical activity We then try to get the children outside for about an hour to ensure that they are getting the necessary exercise and vitamin D. This allows the children to breathe in more oxygenated air and ensures appropriate ventilation to prevent the spreading of infections. We also try to include an activity in the planning which will ensure the children are being active, for example dancing or an obstacle course. Hygiene We make sure that the children’s nappies are changed morning and afternoon, more if needed. If the children’s clothes are dirty or wet from play then we will change them. We make sure that children wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating. Health surveillance We always keep a close on children to monitor their health. If we think a child may be ill then we will take the appropriate actions. This may mean just taking the child’s temperature and giving them a drink and taking clothing off if they are too hot. Depending on how ill the child is and how long it is till they get picked up we may ring their parents to collect them. Rest and sleep The children usually have a story or songs before their snack in the morning and afternoon and before their lunch. This is a time where the children can rest and sit quietly. If the children are tired then we allow them to have a sleep in a quiet area of the room. Provide an example of a week’s menu, showing balanced meals, snack & drinks for children, following current government guidance on nutritional needs. This menu follows the government guidance on nutritional needs because it includes a lot of fruit and vegetables. It is very varied in different meals and includes most, if not all of the elements of the Eatwell Plate which is recommended by the government. Why is it important to follow carers’ instructions in respect of their child’s food allergies or intolerances? It is important that you follow carer’s instructions on their child’s food allergies and intolerances as it can lead to serious consequences. Key workers should be aware of children in their group who have allergies or intolerances. Posters should be made to be displayed within the setting to remind staff. However these should be displayed in the staff room and kitchen; areas where other parents cannot see them. How would you recognise signs & symptoms of food allergies/intolerances? Signs and symptoms of food allergies can include swelling of lips or eyes, redness of the face, itching and difficulty breathing. Children with serious allergies may be given an Epipen. Children with severe food allergies may also have an inhaler. Training will be given to staff on how to use this and the child’s key person will be in charge of it. Food intolerances are usually noticed by the child having diarrhoea. Due to diarrhoea having more than one cause it is important that parents talk to their GP about a suspected food intolerance. Including: Portion control It is important that children and parents are aware of what is the right size portion for the child. This is because this can lead to them becoming under or over weight. This could also include the types of food that are included in the portion of food as some foods are healthier for children than others. For example fizzy drinks, chocolate and cake aren’t good for children and can make them become hyperactive and fruit and vegetables are good for children and will provide them with the vitamins that they need. However some fruit juices can also be high in sugar so sometimes it is best just to stick to water. Tackling under and over weight children The weight of a child is mainly due to the types of food that the child is eating and the size of the portion. The right amount of exercise is also key in the child being the correct weight. It is important that you are doing the right amount of exercise as too much exercise could mean that you become underweight and too little can mean that you become overweight. Sugary foods like fizzy drinks, cakes, chocolate and sweets will make you put on weight a  lot quicker so it is best to avoid these, however you do need a small amount in your diet. Parents should be advised early if it is thought that their child is under or over weight so that action can be taken. Parents will often choose to believe that their child is just ‘cuddly’ as they don’t want to believe that they are overweight. There are many leaflets and websites that parents can go to for more information on the subject. Being under or over weight can also lead to the child having self-confidence issues so it is best to avoid this. If a child is under or over weight then there may be other issues leading to this so it is important to take the time to discuss issues carefully with the child. Food phobias Many children will have phobias of certain foods. This may stem from a bad experience or from them not liking the food. It could also come from watching important adults in their life not eating certain foods and thinking that they shouldn’t either. This can lead to many problems when trying to get children to eat a proper balanced meal. Therefore it is important that parents or carers are provided with tips on how to tackle this. 6.2) Explain the regulations concerning management of medicines & how these are interpreted in the setting. (Cross ref. Unit CYP 3.4-4.2, Unit CYP 3.6-2.3) Where medical treatment is required the manager will inform the insurance company in writing. Medical forms must be filled in where medicine is administered to children. These must include the date and times to be given, the name of the medicine and how much to give to the child. The form must be filled in by the parent or carer of the child in the presence of a member of staff, at the start of the child’s session. The medication must be kept in the correct place, i.e a fridge or a cool, dry place and a first aider must give the child the medication. We have a child within our setting with asthma who has an ongoing medicine form for his inhaler. 6.3) Explain how you protect yourself when lifting & handling children &  equipment in the setting. It is important when lifting anything that you lift with your knees and not your back. Some children can be quite heavy so it is best to avoid lifting them or getting another member of staff to help you. Poor lifting and handling results in many back injuries. Every member of staff should attend a lifting and handling course. You should always follow your settings policy on lifting and handling. Your manager should have carried out a risk assessment covering daily activities that require you to lift and handle children and resources. You should assess the situation before you move a child or equipment. It may be a good idea to make the object you are lifting smaller or make two trips. To conclude your assignment, consider how your research has impacted on your knowledge and understanding in this area of learning. The main sources for my research for this assignment were the book and knowledge from my work setting. I have learnt about dietary needs for different cultures and religions and how to store breast and formula milk.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

shizikos daughter essays

shiziko's daughter essays Shizukos Daughter, a novel written by Kyoki Mori, is about a bold and brilliant twelve-year-old Yuki Okundo who suffers the loss of her mother by suicide. Shizuko, Yukis mother, is a loving mother with artistic talents that she has passed on to her daughter. Yukis ability to survive many losses is tested by many factors, but mainly by her heartless father and his new wife. Yukis coming of age is the result of the attack on her mothers memory, her father and stepmothers actions, mothers memory, and her mothers suicide. Yuki grows up strong and capable, and Shizuko has encouraged her daughter to be bold. Yuki fights boys and studies piano and she is also an outstanding student. Shizuko writes in her suicide note, "I do not do this rashly, but after much consideration. This is the best for all of us. Please do not feel guilty in any way. What has happened is entirely my responsibility. This is the best for myself as well as for you. I am almost happy at this last hour and wish you to be. In spite of this, please believe I love you. People will tell you that Ive done this because of I do not love you. Dont listen to them. When you grow up to be a strong women, you will know that this was for the best. My only concern now is that you will be the first to find me. Im sorry. Call your father at work and let him take care of everything. You are a strong person; you will no doubt get over this and be brilliant women. Dont let me stop or delay you. I love you." (Mori 6) Once Shizuko is gone there are many things that threaten Yuki's development. She must tolerate the harassing on her mothers memory, first by her Aunt Aya who removes the possessions of her dead mother, and then by the bitter Hanae. On the day of the funeral, Yuki takes shelter in her closet filled with colorful clothing all made for her by Shizuko. In her closet, with the sou...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Canceling Third World Debt

There are many compelling arguments for canceling third world debt. However, regardless of how morally wrong, third world debt relief will not go very far in solving the myriad of causes underlying the poverty crippling these countries in the first place. Canceling the debt is just one step in the process. Industrialized countries must also be willing to reform world trade laws, drop subsidies that insulate the world markets, fight graft, and help poor countries eliminate the corruption that permeates their systems. Plagiarism Detection >Examples of this systemic corruption can be seen in the countries of Kenya, Zimbabwe, DRC, Nigeria or Tanzania. These so called indebted and poor countries are some of the richest in the world in natural resources who at the same time, have a well educated work force. Yet the people are poor because their government abuses them and their resources, keeping the wealth for a few rather than for all. Canceling the world debt will not trickle down to the people as long as corrupt government officials stand in the way.Canceling the debt may encourage more bad economic policy choices, while at the same time allowing irresponsible lender governments off the hook, free to form new alliances with criminal regimes. Much of this so called debt was merely a way for developed nations to carve out a stake in the natural resources of the poor country, in order to protect their personal interests. By canceling the debt corrupt lending countries can hide their complicity in the denigration of the poor country and its people. Hanging a blanket cancellation onto a country also means that it is not a creditworthy nation in the eyes of other world governments, making things worse. Plagiarism Detection >Nor does it stop the cycle of criminality, because the countries must still borrow in order to survive and meet their other debts in the future. One way third world countries can get out of the financial and poverty inducing rut is to stay away fro m the patronage of rich nations who put them in trouble in the first place. Another way is to demand respect and proper treatment from creditors while eliminating the corruption endemic in their governments. It has been proven over and over again that the criminality and graft is a two way street. International law already allows countries to repudiate debt contracted without the consent of, nor spent in the interests of the people.Under international law citizens of a country do not have to repay those financed their oppression such as America propping up tin hat dictators like Mbutu, to name one. What seems to be lacking is a will to eliminate the underlying root causes of third world problems. The tools for doing such are already there waiting to be used. Third world debt cancellation is merely addressing a symptom that will only give very short term relief while allowing the problem to recycle and become entrenched again. Breaking the cycle is the only way to alleviate the prob lem on a more permanent level.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

IPO underpricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IPO underpricing - Essay Example Many companies have a tendency of having underpriced IPOs so that potential investors can be attracted into them. Investors find it easier to influence the shares’ price with low offering price as their intention is to obtain the windfall gain in the period of issuing. Low-priced shares generally have a lot of capacity for share increase of price on the basis of market demand forces. As a result, low offering price signifies considerable share underpricing. IPO underpricing has been explained with the offering size of a company for a long time, which is consistent with the ex ante uncertainty theory. This concept reflects in the works of Beatty and Ritter (1986) as well as in McGuinness (1992). Tu and TSE (2006), in their analysis of the Chinese A-share market, state the size of offering as a critical determinant of the IPO underpricing. A company’s offering size is calculated through multiplication of the offer price with the offered number of shares. The equation for this is, size of offering = number of offered shares x price of offering. There is a perception that companies having bigger offerings’ size have superior management and control and are more mature as compared to the companies having smaller offering magnitudes. Bigger companies derive their tendency to underprice their shares from the fact that their information flow is relatively better than that of the smaller companies, that are more influenced by the a symmetry of information. Data used in this project was retrieved from the official website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (available at and also from the GTA Database. Like discussed before, there are five groups of shares in the Chinese stock market. However, it is just the A-share stocks that are completely quoted in Yuan. Many companies have a preference for being included in the Shanghai Stock Exchange instead of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in spite of